We’re back… and we’ve got overland answers! EP009
Question and answer session on all things camping, overlanding, and adventure planning!

Overlanding and Camping Q&A - EP008
What size roof top tent do I need? How do I get my significant other to go camping? How do you communicate while remote?
We receive SO MANY questions on a daily basis about camping and overlanding gear and methods. In this video we cover some of the most frequently asking questions as well as a few non-so-common! Pour a beverage, grab a seat, and kick back for a channel update along with our Q&A session!

80mph winds, drunk burros, and nudist... it's the best place on earth! - EP007
In this episode Sarah and I are talking about one of our favorite places to explore in the southwest... Death Valley! While our experiences in Death Valley have not always been enjoyable (we nearly swore it off!) in time we fell in love with it's truly wild and beautiful landscape.
Join us around the campfire as we share our unique and life-changing experiences in the hottest place on earth. Featuring rattlesnakes, 80 mph winds, superblooms, treacherous trails, nude bathers, and wine-loving burros.

How "minimalism" opened our door to adventure travel - EP006
We get asked all the time, "How do you afford to travel so much?" The answer starts here in this episode with the story of how we gradually slid into a "minimalist" lifestyle; quite unintentionally!
This podcast shares our background of how our perspective was changed through the years as we expanded our skills, traveled to a remote job location, began a new life, endured tremendous personal losses, and came out the other side completely changed.

Sarah's Camp Kitchen and Cooking - EP005
Sarah and I discuss the current state of events, our response to quarantine, and dive into the evolution of our camp kitchen and cooking expertise. Get all kinds of ideas from our camp cooking experiences and help build the perfect kitchen kit for whipping up gourmet meals it the wilderness!

Why we chose the Lexus GX460 for our next overland build - EP004
In this episode we discuss impending snow, share our best sledding stories, find practical uses for facial hair, and go deep on the Lexus GX460.

Overland the world… without being a world traveler! – EP003
Sarah and I sit down around the digital campfire to catch up on our whirlwind schedule and chat about our Costa Rican adventure. Spoiler alert; you will be updating your bucket list after this one!

The evolution of our overland setup - EP002
In this episode we stoke up the digital campfire to discuss the evolution of our camping kit, funny stories (like the throne of stone), lessons learned, and the reasons for each upgrade along the way.

How we accidentally became YouTubers – EP001
In this pilot episode Sarah and I sit down for a chat around a digital campfire and catch up after months of insane schedules. We discuss Sarah’s experience filming her very own episode with friend Clarissa in New Mexico, stories about our camping experiences growing up, and a bit about how we ended up becoming “YouTubers”.