Hi, we’re the Lifestyle Overland family!
Who Are We?
Long-story-short; we’re a family of 4 exploring the mountains, deserts, plains, and arctic landscapes of North America.
Sarah and I are Tennesseans by birth and in 2010 we traded the tree covered mountains of Appalachia for the arid deserts of southeast New Mexico. In 2013 we welcomed our daughter, Caroline to the world and soon introduced her to the great outdoors.
Over the years we have fallen in love with life on the trail and in 2018 we quit our jobs, sold almost everything, and struck out as full-time travelers in an attempt to become “YouTubers’, due in part to our quickly growing channel.
We struck out North and drove as far as we could… to the Arctic Ocean at Tuktoyaktuk, NWT then to again Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. More and more people began following our adventures and our crazy leap of faith turned into a full-time, self-supporting gig. (Watch Season 1 for More)
A LOT has happened since that incredible trek, and while we aren’t currently on the road full time; the majority of our travel is now spent exploring the southwest United States, sharing our travels, building overland rigs, educating our followers, encouraging responsible use of our public lands, and… waiting for the right time to hit the road full time again.
Being raised on a farm in East Tennessee I learned at an early age that hard work, a bit of creativity, and a lot determination could overcome the most difficult of obstacles. Little did I know how far those principles would carry over into my adult life.
After graduating high school I joined the IBEW began working my way up the ladder from an apprentice electrician, to journeyman, then foreman, and eventually project manager over multi-million dollar nuclear-grade installations.
In 2010 I somehow convinced my newly wed wife, Sarah to do something crazy… move west to New Mexico for a construction project in the middle of nowhere. We eventually began to explore the back country when overtime allowed and quickly fell in love with remote camping.
When our daughter Caroline was born we began to travel even more while building out our 4Runner and towing a Turtleback Trailer. Then, after sharing a few videos on YouTube for our family “back east” to watch… we accidently sparked a following which has grown non-stop ever since.
After our wild decision to sell it all in 2018 and pursue adventure full-time; life has never been the same. While the hard work and determination is needed now more than ever; it’s the most rewarding experience I’ve ever been a part of and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Meet Kevin
On December 31st of 2022 this gorgeous little lady joined our family and changed everything!
At 3 months old she began her travels and is already proving to be quite the adventure seeker herself.
Stay tuned as we show this incredible world to our latest “team” member!
Meet Abigail
Born in a tub at home in 2013, we knew this girl was something special when she immediately broke the surface of the water and craned her neck to look around the room.
With all her adventures at a young age, she’s learned to make herself at home no matter where she may be. Every kid she meets is a friend and she’s just as comfortable having a conversation with an adult as she is with her own peers.
100% a modern kid, she loves her video games and electronics as much as the next but has already begun writing stories, editing videos, and making some incredible art when “game time” is up.
Lately, she’s started grabbing the camera on our adventures and has begun to play a whole new role in telling our family stories. This kid is really incredible and we couldn’t be prouder parents!
Meet Caroline
We call her “Mama Bear” and with good reason! This lady is fierce, talented, beautiful, and can make herself at home just about anywhere… especially when she’s in the wild.
Also raised on a farm in Tennessee she grew up learning how to think outside the box and overcome challenges in creative ways. Today she’s the primary driver during our off grid adventures and has logged more miles in the backcountry than we can count.
Her talents don’t end behind the wheel though! Put this lady in front of a camp stove and stand back… she’s a wizard when it comes to creative camp fare and never ceases to amaze our family with her delicious recipes that never seemed possible in the wild.
When the meals are done and and wheels aren’t spinning you can find her in a camp chair homeschooling our daughter Caroline in the primary education subjects along with a healthy dose of “real life” skills around camp.
She’s a rare one and we’re so thankful to have her as part of our team!
Meet Sarah