This overland trip takes us through southwest Colorado as we complete the final stretch of adventure in the San Juans. I share a bit about the story behind the story in this episode and how traveling with another creator, or "YouTuber"; really helps ignite a burst of inspiration and motivation on top of the peace and excitement already found in these mountains.
In this week's adventure, Swell Runner and I wake up to an epic view in one of Colorado's beautiful basin's before rolling on to see a well-preserved ghost town. Awesome overland trails and gorgeous camp await us on the other side where we yet again whip up some delicious camp food.
Colorado is one of those places that will just take your breath away and in this episode we're doing our best to keep the oxygen flowing... both from the views and extreme altitude!
Welcome to Southwest Colorado and one of the more famous obstacles in the area... the Poughkeepsie Wall. I join up with a good friend (Jason @SwellRunner ) on this trip and seek out redemption from this technical challenge after failing to climb it back in 2017... let's just say the pucker factor was high on this adventure!
After a long night camping with a sleepless baby we awake to seek out delicious coffee and soak up the views of a stunning canyon. Caroline and I pick up a new form of adventure travel and embark on our first mountain bike ride. In spite of our sleep deprivation we find joy in the simple things as we learn to travel the backcountry with a new baby.
In this adventure we head out with the whole family and continue our exploration along some of our favorite Utah routes before landing at a sheltered camp just as winds began to pummel the open country. We top it all off with some beef kabobs over a REAL wood fire as we listen to the snow-melt rushing through the nearby stream.
High winds sent us scrambling for sheltered camping before exploring petroglyphs, pictographs, a dinosaur track, and epic canyons of central Utah.
Finally! The winter weather has turned to spring and it's adventure travel time for the whole family! Introducing Abigail our (currently) 3 month old baby who is ready for her first camping trip in the great outdoors.
After some setbacks our search for incredible Utah landscapes pays off when we stumble upon what seems like an entirely different world in the desert.
In this episode I continue our Utah adventure with Caleb and Matt as we extract ourselves from deep snow drifts and attempt to find better trails further north... except it didn't go quite as planned.
2 built 4Runners and a STOCK Bronco Sasquatch head into a winter wonderland for some camping... who ended up stuck?
Prepping our 2014 4Runner for another round of adventures, life updates, family rig decision, and a quick tour of where all the magic happens behind the scenes.
In this adventure our 1980 FJ45 Land Cruiser comes out of hibernation for a peaceful drive through Utah in search of adventure and the perfect camping spot. This is a whole new style of story-telling as a creative challenge to myself: to tell a story without saying a single word or playing any music. Call it ASMR or call it experiential; either way I had fun doing something new as a film maker!
Exploring the snow covered wild west in my trusty 4Runner. Camping in frigid temps. Whipping up delicious camp meals. Running with legends of the past. It doesn't get much better than this…
On this leg of my Western Utah adventure I stumble across the Central Overland Trail and find myself riding along a historical route that was once galloped across by the riders of the Pony Express.
A frozen salt flat leads to a difficult decision while volcanic activity makes me think twice about this rock we explore. Overlanding and camping the west desert of Utah has no shortage of unique and strange things to see!
Solo expedition into the west desert of Utah in an attempt to escape the insane snowfall we've seen in the higher elevations. Thankfully, I was able to link up a few routes but ended up in some hot water to top the day off.
The series finale of the Enchanted Rockies Trail where we travel across Boreas Pass and wrap up our overland adventure in Pike National Forest.
Part IV switches gears a bit and shows you some of the simpler parts of our family overland travel through central and northern Colorado.
Exploring Central Colorado on our way northward. Highlights include a Bishops Castle and Phantom Canyon Road.
We continue our journey through Northern New Mexico and cross into Southern Colorado stopping in at one of the most incredible National Parks along the way… Great Sand Dunes National Park!
The one that started it all!
After months of research and planning, our family of three adventurers began a 10 day overland adventure through the heart of New Mexico and Colorado.